The aim of milieu therapy is to organize the environment around the child so that those who have been abused and/or have insufficient mental regulation have the opportunity to deal with their development and problems following the abuse incidents. The emphasis is put on creating a supportive environment based on the child’s individual needs, constant cooperation with the child, and a therapeutic relationship. The service is provided on the basis of active cooperation with the child, involving the child and his or her relatives and family/guardians.

The duration of the service is long-term, 1-3 years (average 2 years), the need for the duration is assessed by the team and the manager of the therapy centre and according to the child’s individual needs.

Activities take place on weekdays, Mon-Fri, excluding weekends, school holidays and public holidays.

In cases of a home environment that is harmful to a child, and in cooperation with the child protection organisation and the orphanage, we find a suitable and safe living environment for the child’s temporary stay on weekends, school holidays and public holidays. In the future, we want to offer the therapy centre service outside the current working hours.

Kõik tegevused nendes keskkondades on omavahel läbipõimunud ning toimivad ühtse tervikuna. Igapäevane tegevus baseerub individuaalsel lähenemisel, milles kasutatakse nii analüütilise-, süsteemse- kui ka käitumis- ja miljööteraapia meetodeid.


“Therapy centre was like a second home”

Young person (two years after the young person’s stay in a milieu therapy centre)