“Pepleri Ravikodu oli mulle teine kodu. Alati mulle olemas.”
Noor (kaks aastat pärast ravikodus viibimist)
Referral to the service is based on the need and suitability in cooperation with the orphanage, victim support service, juvenile police, child protection specialist, treating physician, family doctor, parent and other cooperation partners (e.g. SAK, mental health centres, school, substitute care institutions, support services and rehabilitation centres).
Description of the child’s life, illnesses, social network, diagnosis(es) and / or results of (clinical) tests performed earlier.
Description of known/ suspected intimate partner violence.
Previous assistance measures and their results.
Goals and expectations of the referring institution in referring to the 24-hour milieu therapy centre care service.
Excerpt from the student’s development monitoring card.
The reception team of the therapy centre (psychiatrist, social worker and milieu therapist) will provide their feedback to the referrer within 10 days of the possible reception, excluding/confirming the referral application and other preliminary data on the child’s suitability for the service of the therapy centre.
Subsequently, the therapy centre organizes a network meeting, where, if possible, the child and the parent(s) are involved. The therapy centre signs an application with the child and the parent for admission to the therapy centre, where the parent’s permission to receive the necessary additional information about the child from potential network members by the team of the therapy centre is also signed. The prerequisite for admission to the therapy centre is the child’s readiness to cooperate with the team of the centre.
The probationary period is 4-6 weeks, during which the application can be terminated on both sides. The service is terminated if the child or the parents do not cooperate (e.g. the child does not remain in a therapy home, the child or parent does not adhere to the agenda and agreements, or a circumstance appears and as a consequence, the child does not belong to the target group of the therapy service centre).
Noor (kaks aastat pärast ravikodus viibimist)