Currently, Pepleri Milieu Therapy Centre provides services to up to six children/adolescents and their families simultaneously. The target group of the service is composed primarily of children who have experienced violence and who are developing/have developed severe and profound mental disorders with complex problems; children aged 12-18 (19) with traumatic experiences or onset of chronic psychiatric illness from all over Estonia. The target group also includes children of the same age who need long-term post-hospital psychiatric follow-up treatment.

Children with traumatic experiences
  • Domestic and non-domestic abuse (sexual, physical, mental, including neglect, institutional)
  • Acute shock experience (death of a loved one, illness, accidents, etc.)
Children with a severe and profound mental disorder/ chronic psychiatric illness
  • F30-39 Mood disorders (bipolarity, depression)
  • F40-49 Neurological, stress-related and somatoform disorders (anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, severe stress reactions – PTSD, dissociative disorders)
  • F50 Eating Disorders
  • F51 Inorganic sleep disorders
  • F70 Mild mental retardation
  • F84 Pervasive developmental disorders
  • F90 Hyperkinetic disorders
  • F92 Mixed behavioural and emotional disorders
  • F93 Child-specific emotional disorders (e.g. phobias, social phobias, fear of separation)
  • F94 Communication disorders in children or adolescents (mutism, attachment disorders)
  • F98 Other behavioural or emotional disorders of the child or adolescent (enuresis, encephalitis, stuttering)

Operation of the service of the therapy centre for the target group

Who does not belong to the target group
  • Mental retardation (moderate (F71), severe (F72), profound (F73))
  • Dissocial personality disorder (F60.2)
  • Addiction disorders (to be distinguished from addictive behaviours) to an extent that endangers the safety and well-being of the child and his or her companions in the environment of the therapy centre.
  • Acute psychosis
  • Active suicide – a constant real threat to life, repetitive and consistent targeted life-threatening activities (to be distinguished from attention-seeking, anxiety-relieving self-harm), those who need a secure environment in a closed medical institution where there is no chance of injuring oneself to a life-threatening extent.


“Pepleri Ravikodu oli mulle teine kodu. Alati mulle olemas.”

Noor (kaks aastat pärast ravikodus viibimist)